This impacts my topic on MS treatment because when health care is too expensive, the medience gets expensive to. And when medience is too expensive, people can't affored the treatment they need for themselves or for their kids. From what someone say, they say that the treatment costs about $510 a month, sounds like a lot for one treatment. Link Multiple sclerosis treatment, Interferon-Beta is going to cost a lot of money, but some people who have kids with MS don't have enough money to get the treatment. That's why I don't think it should be that expensive. It's not about the doctors getting paid or anything like that, it's about if the one who are ill are able to affroid the help they need.
Like I said up top, it should be lowered down. For the patieons at least. "Rather than ruining the new year by dwelling on Medicare's unfunded liabilities of about $34 trillion (over a 75-year span), ruin it with this fact: In the next 50 years, Medicaid, the program for the poor -- broadly, sometimes very broadly defined -- could become a bigger threat than Medicare to the nation's prosperity. ""sometimes as high as income under 200 percent of the federal poverty level. And many states, eager to expand the ranks of the dependent with the help of federal Medicaid money, use "income disregards" to make poverty an elastic concept."
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