Thursday, September 30, 2010
Blog #9
At the begging, it explains how people today are still arguing about what really caused the Civil war. "What caused the American Civil War? It is amazing that even today, nearly 150 years after the Civil War started, there is passionate debate regarding the "cause" of the Civil War." It's obvious that our thoughts about the war and slavery has changed since early nineteenth century because in the article, it said: "Today we recognize slavery as a moral issue. But in the early nineteenth century, it was seen as an economic issue first, moral issue second." Today, there are a lot of arguments between two sides who have opposite believes. Just like in the Civil war, by the 2 side argument about slavery, the Civil war started. Because there were people who either was fighting for slavery or against it. "It is a fact that when the armies for the North and South were first formed, only a small minority of the soldiers on either side would have declared that the reason they joined the army was to fight either "for" or "against" slavery." I believe I remember seeing majority of African Americans in Georgia, at least in the area I was at. I can't remember a lot since the last time I went was when I was 8 years old. Could that possibly be the effect from a war that happened 149 years ago?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Blog #8 This article talks about how farms wants to raise genetically modified fish if the get the FDA's apporval. The fish will be kept in indoor tanks so they won't effect the wild life. Raising fish would make them grow faster than usual. The Environmental Protection Agency and Division of Wildlife has a problem with it because they fear that it could kill wildlife in the Ohio's rivers. " The biggest barrier is the seawater that salmon grow in, he said. A release could kill wildlife in Ohio's freshwater streams and lakes, and regulators will have to decide whether that risk is acceptable." It's quite obvious that this is relavent to the FDA because it's up to them to say rather they want the farms to raise the fish, or if it's just a risk factor. I somewhat find it disgusting because it sounds like people will be eating frozen vegitables. And what I mean by that is that frozen or caned vegitables always taste fake. The carrots and corn don't taste what they're suppose to taste like and the corn aren't crunchy. Others see this as a good idea. They don't have to wait till season to get their favorite fish. "I would have no problem eating it and serving it to my family," Tiu said.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Blog #7
1) The writing tips stood out to me because it either showed me a new way of how to write or it helped me get a better understanding of something I already knew before. Like on tip #6 where it explains about taking it easy on ings when writing because I didn't know that adding ings could weaken the words and instead I should use more past or present words.
2) Going over something things like homework. For instincts, today we went over last nights homework and I didn't understood it that well because I didn't understand what James Madison was sometimes saying. But after going over it as a class, it made more sense to me.
3) When a topic comes up that we disgusted as a class or that I read about while doing homework, I should ask more questions about it. Get a better understanding of what was happening in whatever I was reading or listening to. I did that in 10th where for the first time I heard about how there were cameras and megaphones all around London streets that were watching over people. I found that really interesting, so I decided to do my mini project on it. If I expand on what I know from just reading a part, then I could learn more about the world, issues, or other places that I didn't even know was having a problem.
4) It's as simple as listening to what the teacher is saying, try to understand the confusing things towards me and if I can't, ask questions about it until I get an answer that'll make the work more understandable. Use more writing tips in the upcoming writing projects that might come in the future, so I could see how it makes my writing better.
5) I don't have much of a goal for the following week. I'm planning on learning something new that I didn't know before. Learning more writing tips that can help me make my writing even better. More hands on creative projects that are going to come.
2) Going over something things like homework. For instincts, today we went over last nights homework and I didn't understood it that well because I didn't understand what James Madison was sometimes saying. But after going over it as a class, it made more sense to me.
3) When a topic comes up that we disgusted as a class or that I read about while doing homework, I should ask more questions about it. Get a better understanding of what was happening in whatever I was reading or listening to. I did that in 10th where for the first time I heard about how there were cameras and megaphones all around London streets that were watching over people. I found that really interesting, so I decided to do my mini project on it. If I expand on what I know from just reading a part, then I could learn more about the world, issues, or other places that I didn't even know was having a problem.
4) It's as simple as listening to what the teacher is saying, try to understand the confusing things towards me and if I can't, ask questions about it until I get an answer that'll make the work more understandable. Use more writing tips in the upcoming writing projects that might come in the future, so I could see how it makes my writing better.
5) I don't have much of a goal for the following week. I'm planning on learning something new that I didn't know before. Learning more writing tips that can help me make my writing even better. More hands on creative projects that are going to come.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Blog #6

Artist Statement: “So Dee, what do you want to be when you grow up?” “I want to be a Veterinarian!” As long as I could remember, I’ve always wanted to be a veterinarian and help out animals in dire need. Being a vet is the job that’ll fit me because I love animals, mainly dogs and I want to help them out as much as possible. I’m hoping to get into UC Davis after high school. I heard that it’s a great college to study in Veterinary Medicine. Dogs are what made me want to be a vet. My first dog was a female Pomeranian named Nakia. She was my favorite pet. I wanted to walk her, but I was too young. I would just put the leash on her and walk her around the house.
When I was older, I got another dog. He was a Jack Russell named Niko. Being a Jack Russell, he liked to run around. I was relaxing on my bed, when all of the sudden, I heard this somewhat disordered yelp from outside. I looked to see my dog Niko, limping back to the patio. I dashed out of my room yelling "Niko's hurt!" "Niko's hurt!" No one else heard the yelp, so they were a bit confused about what was going on. I flung the back sliding door open and Niko limped in. As he was limping, I noticed something; he was tracking in blood from his paw. I was worried when I saw that because I didn't realize how serious it was. I got a wet paper towel and clean the blood from his paw. I noticed a cut on the pad of his paw. I was relief to find out that it wasn't a big gash. My mom took him to the vet to get it stitched up. I remembered how no one else heard the yelp. I question myself, what if I didn't hear it either? Who knows how long he would have gone with a bleeding pad? When my mom got back, Niko was tired out. I comfort him till he fell asleep. That whole experience made me want to be a vet even more. I just love to help animals. They're like furry people who can't talk.
From hearing what others said about UC Davis, how it’s a good college to look into since I want to study in Veterinary Medicine. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get in there. 11th grade is what I was mainly looking forward to when I got into high school because it teaches Biology, which is something I need to know to become a vet. Also there will be internship and I've been looking forward to it because I've want to get a head start of what the vet life would be like.
When I was older, I got another dog. He was a Jack Russell named Niko. Being a Jack Russell, he liked to run around. I was relaxing on my bed, when all of the sudden, I heard this somewhat disordered yelp from outside. I looked to see my dog Niko, limping back to the patio. I dashed out of my room yelling "Niko's hurt!" "Niko's hurt!" No one else heard the yelp, so they were a bit confused about what was going on. I flung the back sliding door open and Niko limped in. As he was limping, I noticed something; he was tracking in blood from his paw. I was worried when I saw that because I didn't realize how serious it was. I got a wet paper towel and clean the blood from his paw. I noticed a cut on the pad of his paw. I was relief to find out that it wasn't a big gash. My mom took him to the vet to get it stitched up. I remembered how no one else heard the yelp. I question myself, what if I didn't hear it either? Who knows how long he would have gone with a bleeding pad? When my mom got back, Niko was tired out. I comfort him till he fell asleep. That whole experience made me want to be a vet even more. I just love to help animals. They're like furry people who can't talk.
From hearing what others said about UC Davis, how it’s a good college to look into since I want to study in Veterinary Medicine. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get in there. 11th grade is what I was mainly looking forward to when I got into high school because it teaches Biology, which is something I need to know to become a vet. Also there will be internship and I've been looking forward to it because I've want to get a head start of what the vet life would be like.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Blog #5
I say the fact that I was able to share out my dream of wanting to become a vet and others get to read about it and how it possibly started. I liked how I was able to choose something that wasn't human or wasn't alive because I was able to make a college that I'm working to get into as my American icon. I also like how others are able to choose someone/something that didn't make such a major difference in America, which is how I was able to choose a college, UC Davis. I say that Using action verbs is a helpful writing tips to use. Using action verbs makes the writing more exciting, for example instead of putting "The monkey climb the tree to get to the bananas" you'll put "The monkey climbed the tree to get to the bananas."
It was hard to fit everything into only one page because I had a lot to write about, yet I was only allowed to put in a certain amount. It was difficult to shorten everything I was trying to get out in one page and fit the requirements. I think that the M.M.E (make meaning early) was quite difficult for me to use in the artist statement. When I read over my paper, it didn't see any paragraph where I used M.M.E.
"James Herriot, known as James Alfred Wright was born on October 3, 1916 in England. When he was 23 in 1939, he qualified as a veterinary surgeon and in 1940; he took a small job at a veterinary practice. He soon then wrote 8 famous books about vets and animals. Sadly he died in February 1995." I was wondering if, should add more to this part? If so, how? Explain more about him being a vet? about his practice?
It was hard to fit everything into only one page because I had a lot to write about, yet I was only allowed to put in a certain amount. It was difficult to shorten everything I was trying to get out in one page and fit the requirements. I think that the M.M.E (make meaning early) was quite difficult for me to use in the artist statement. When I read over my paper, it didn't see any paragraph where I used M.M.E.
"James Herriot, known as James Alfred Wright was born on October 3, 1916 in England. When he was 23 in 1939, he qualified as a veterinary surgeon and in 1940; he took a small job at a veterinary practice. He soon then wrote 8 famous books about vets and animals. Sadly he died in February 1995." I was wondering if, should add more to this part? If so, how? Explain more about him being a vet? about his practice?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Blog #4
For my opening, I was planning on doing a small conversation between my mom and I when I was young. "So Dee, what do you want to be when you grow up?" "A Veterinarian!" and the end I put: I've always wanted to get a head start of what the vet life would be like. I'm not so sure about that, I'll put more thought into the ending of the artist statement. These two ties together because my big idea is me wanting to be a Veterinarian, the beginning mainly says it all with the conversation and the ending (might be changed) tells how I want to start being a vet earlier. When the readers are done reading my artist statement, I want them to be able to know how long I've always wanted to be a vet, the things I do to try and get to my goal, and how this dream possibly started. I want the readers to see that this isn't just a kid dream that I'm later going to change because I realize I don't want to do that any more. Hopefully they'll be able to see what I see when I think about wanting to be a Vet.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Blog #3
I said that my dog Nakia and UC Davis connects with each other because in my artist statement, I tell how my first dog, Nakia, was probably the inspiration of me wanting to be a vet and me wanting to try and get to a good college. I like dogs and I want to help them just like how I want to help other pets. I don't think that she was my only inspiration, I also think that my two cats were also an inspiration, but I think that Nakia was my main one. Since Nakia was my first dog, she's really important to me and dogs are also my favorite animal. UC Davis is important to me because that's the college that I've been working 11 years to get into. If I get into the college, I'll be able to continue to move forward. I planning on asking my mom about my dog Nakia, like if she remembered how I reacted when I first saw her and was I always near her. For UC Davis, I possibly read more about it on it's website or ask some people who knows about the place like possibly some Seniors who are planning on going there or some teachers.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Blog #2

Vet colleges inspired me to pass high school with nice grades, so I’ll be able to attend a college that teaches veterinary. Once I’m able to learn everything I need to know, I’ll be able to be a vet if I learned well enough. Vet colleges are where the main learning for vet starts. If I didn’t attend to one, how will I be able to get my degrees? I wouldn’t even understand what I’m suppose to do when a pet is sick or injured.
How did this Icon become important to you?
Ever since I can remember, I’ve always wanted to become a vet because I want to help the sick pets. I know how pets bring joy to people’s lives, so if I cure the pet, I’m actually helping out two things. The pet and the owner. Dogs are my favorite animals, which is what made me what to become a vet. I want to help the sick and injured dogs and all the others pets. Who doesn’t want to help their favorite thing? A vet college is important to me because one day I want to be able to attend to one, learn everything I should know about being a vet, then be able to start my dream and help animals live long and health lives with their owners.
How did this Icon become important in American culture?
Vet colleges helped other dreams become vets. More vets mean more healthy pets to look forward to and healthy pets mean happy owners. Vets are just like any doctor or dentist. Doctors help sick and injured people, while dentist helps people’s teeth. They all help in different ways, rather if it’s you personally or something that is personal to you. That’s why I see vets important to America and other places around the world. Without vets, there’ll be less pets.
How did this Icon become important to you?

My dad, being in the Navy made this important to me. Even though I believe he doesn't go into war or fight like the army, I still see his job to be important. I don't want to be in the navy when I get older nor can I because of my feet, but I like how my dad is in the Navy and making a difference in the U.S even if the difference is very minor. Mostly everything I see around my house has to do about The Navy, which always reminds me of my dad. Who is important to me, so Navy became important to me to.
Who and what did this Icon inspire?
I believe this inspires anyone who wants to make a difference in anyway. For anyone who wants to fight, but not physically. For anyone who doesn't want to attend college, but doesn't want to end up working for a fast food restaurant. I see the navy inspiring any young adult or adult who are not quite sure what they should do for a living. I don't think anyone in my family is planning on joining. This inspired me to see that not all differences in the world are major or even noticed at times. It could be as simple as recruiting or just fixing small problems on the ship. When recruiting, you helping someone help the world.
How did this Icon become important in American culture?
The navy is important because they protect the seas and delivers important items and people to certain places. The navy seems like they're helping others help the U.S, so in a way, they're are important to the American culture. The navy does most of the protection of the sea and most of the transportation of items and people. Without the navy, other military forces won't get the important items they need to protect and without the navy's protection, we could easily be attack.
My dad has always been important to me and my family. He taught me things that I can/do use in the world like how to fix a computer or how to drive. I know that he cares about the family by the things he does and how he shows it. I bet he's not only important to my family, but also to his navy workers and his brothers and sisters.
Who and what did this Icon inspire?
Seeing how my dad is inspires me to be a great parent when I get older. He also inspires me to hopefully find a guy like him who is caring and loving too. I believe he inspired my brothers too to become a good father when the time comes and to love and care for their families. I could see him inspiring the rookies at his job to try and get to Senior chef like he's at.
Create your own question
I tend to wonder how well known my dad is since he's in the navy, if he's known, is he important to others in the world? Are my brothers going to be great dads like him? Did he inspire others to join the navy? To do their best at everything? I usually wonder what goes on when my dad is out to sea. Does little kids around the world see him at work and want to join when the grow up? I wonder how important he is to others as he is to me.
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