This impacts my topic on MS treatment because when health care is too expensive, the medience gets expensive to. And when medience is too expensive, people can't affored the treatment they need for themselves or for their kids. From what someone say, they say that the treatment costs about $510 a month, sounds like a lot for one treatment. Link Multiple sclerosis treatment, Interferon-Beta is going to cost a lot of money, but some people who have kids with MS don't have enough money to get the treatment. That's why I don't think it should be that expensive. It's not about the doctors getting paid or anything like that, it's about if the one who are ill are able to affroid the help they need.
Like I said up top, it should be lowered down. For the patieons at least. "Rather than ruining the new year by dwelling on Medicare's unfunded liabilities of about $34 trillion (over a 75-year span), ruin it with this fact: In the next 50 years, Medicaid, the program for the poor -- broadly, sometimes very broadly defined -- could become a bigger threat than Medicare to the nation's prosperity. ""sometimes as high as income under 200 percent of the federal poverty level. And many states, eager to expand the ranks of the dependent with the help of federal Medicaid money, use "income disregards" to make poverty an elastic concept."
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Blog # 16
Since my topic is Multiple sclerosis treatment, Interferon-Beta is going to cost money. A lot of money, but some people who have kids with MS don't have enough money to get the treatment. I think that health care should be a right or a at least be less. Then again, I know that the doctors who spend their time going to school to help us and it won't be fair if they're treating us for free and they get nothing out of it, so I do think that it should at least be lower, because going back to my topic, the medicine is pretty expensive and not everyone can pay for it. The a high chance of a kid or a person having MS, than someone being able to pay for the treatment.
Just like how I explained at the top, I now quite undecided after thinking more about it and hearing from others about how they feel. I say that I'm more in the middle, saying that it should have a cost, but little amount though. Don't see why it has to be so pricey. People are too afraid to go to hospitals because that don't want to be in dept. The sometimes rather be in pain more than in dept if anything. That's what it seems like to me. And I read an article awhile a go and read about a guy would paid for the medication for MS but it failed to work and the company didn't give them a refund. He wasted a lot of money on fail medication, which I think is horrible. If it wasn't so pricey, would he still be asking for a refund. I just don't think that health care should be free "People no more have a right to health care than they have a right to education, food, or clothing."
Other quotes the sounded good:
"As soon as I got close enough to see that the skin on his hands and legs was bubbled over and charred, I realized that it was, indeed, bad enough to need a visit.
Just like how I explained at the top, I now quite undecided after thinking more about it and hearing from others about how they feel. I say that I'm more in the middle, saying that it should have a cost, but little amount though. Don't see why it has to be so pricey. People are too afraid to go to hospitals because that don't want to be in dept. The sometimes rather be in pain more than in dept if anything. That's what it seems like to me. And I read an article awhile a go and read about a guy would paid for the medication for MS but it failed to work and the company didn't give them a refund. He wasted a lot of money on fail medication, which I think is horrible. If it wasn't so pricey, would he still be asking for a refund. I just don't think that health care should be free "People no more have a right to health care than they have a right to education, food, or clothing."
Other quotes the sounded good:
"As soon as I got close enough to see that the skin on his hands and legs was bubbled over and charred, I realized that it was, indeed, bad enough to need a visit.
My second thought was, "But how will I pay for it?"
"At a time when 60 million people, including many with insurance, do not have access to a medical home, more than 18,000 Americans die every year from preventable illnesses because they do not get to the doctor when they should."Sunday, October 24, 2010
Blog #15
Describe the types of health care problems Americans face, and the government's role in seeking solutions.
Some of the problems Americans are facing is paying for prescription drugs because they just cost too much. It says in 2007, 1 in 7 Americans under the age of 65 didn't get any refills in their prescription drugs because the couldn't afford it. It risen through out the year from 2003 to 2007. 10.3% in 2003 and 13.9% in 2007 went without prescribed medication. Another problem is that "some 47 million U.S. residents have no health insurance and the number is just going to keep growing." And 8.7 million are kids."Working families are experiencing double-digit increases in the costs of health insurance, more out-of-pocket costs for doctor visits and skyrocketing prices for prescriptions, forcing many to delay getting needed medical care or worse—to decline coverage for themselves or their families because of cost." 32.5 million seniors and people with disabilities have to pay higher premiums and other Medicare cost.
Here are some links:
1) What makes a compelling character is if they:
-have multiple wants
- "strong" wants
- uses powerful language
-relates to something
-has layers
-challenges the leader
-has a detailed background and etc.
for example, Chrissy Falletti in the story "Open Channels". She gives off good amount of information about her self so that the reader can picture who she is and what she might look like.
2) What makes an interesting plot is that if it hooks in the reader and makes them want to read the story. If it starts off strong and ends strong, concerts not pancakes. Even if it leaves the reader with questions like "I wonder what happened to her" "Or what happens next". In the story "Open Channels" here's the starting part "In 1975, Chrissy Falletti was born. She Seemed healthy at birth but then rapidly started losing weight. She was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with cystic fibrosis."
4) They authors uses real life problems, events, and situations that they feel others been through or might go through some time in their lives. It's one of the best ways authors can get the readers to connect because they can relate to what's going with the character in the story and feel how they feel to because they're going through the same thing.
Some of the problems Americans are facing is paying for prescription drugs because they just cost too much. It says in 2007, 1 in 7 Americans under the age of 65 didn't get any refills in their prescription drugs because the couldn't afford it. It risen through out the year from 2003 to 2007. 10.3% in 2003 and 13.9% in 2007 went without prescribed medication. Another problem is that "some 47 million U.S. residents have no health insurance and the number is just going to keep growing." And 8.7 million are kids."Working families are experiencing double-digit increases in the costs of health insurance, more out-of-pocket costs for doctor visits and skyrocketing prices for prescriptions, forcing many to delay getting needed medical care or worse—to decline coverage for themselves or their families because of cost." 32.5 million seniors and people with disabilities have to pay higher premiums and other Medicare cost.
"Forced 32.5 million seniors and people with disabilities to pay higher premiums and other Medicare costs.Dropped coverage for out-of-pocket expenses between $2,250 and $5,100. Prevented the federal government from negotiating lower drug costs and does nothing to rein in soaring prescription drug prices. Threatened the employer-provided drug benefits of millions of retirees." There's a systems that the U.S. wants to try to fix the health care problem but the feel that the system they're gonna use is going to leave too many working families uninsured. Obama's plan is to just lower the cost of health care for families, bushiness, and the government .
Here are some links:
1) What makes a compelling character is if they:
-have multiple wants
- "strong" wants
- uses powerful language
-relates to something
-has layers
-challenges the leader
-has a detailed background and etc.
for example, Chrissy Falletti in the story "Open Channels". She gives off good amount of information about her self so that the reader can picture who she is and what she might look like.
2) What makes an interesting plot is that if it hooks in the reader and makes them want to read the story. If it starts off strong and ends strong, concerts not pancakes. Even if it leaves the reader with questions like "I wonder what happened to her" "Or what happens next". In the story "Open Channels" here's the starting part "In 1975, Chrissy Falletti was born. She Seemed healthy at birth but then rapidly started losing weight. She was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with cystic fibrosis."
4) They authors uses real life problems, events, and situations that they feel others been through or might go through some time in their lives. It's one of the best ways authors can get the readers to connect because they can relate to what's going with the character in the story and feel how they feel to because they're going through the same thing.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Blog #14
1) I'm planning on doing the stage of childhood and focus around multiple sclerosis treatment. The one I'm going be focusing on is Interferon-beta. Like how much it cost, or if it's paid through insurance. If it costs too much, will only the rich be able to cure their child? What about the not so rich people? What can they do for their kid. What company sells them and which ones makes them. Interferon-Beta
2) "The government plans to make interferon beta and glatiramer available to patients with multiple sclerosis through a risk sharing scheme, despite lack of evidence of cost effectiveness. Sudlow and colleagues argue that the money would be better spent on independent research"
From this, it seems like the government is trying to take the easy way out so they can use the money on "more important research" but the way they want to do it sounds
3) The drug, Interferon-beta is rather expensive. There was an incident where a person paid the money for the drug, yet instead it didn't do any effect, meaning that the drug failed. The company was requirement to reduce the price, yet they never did."the drug companies would have had to pay the NHS to use them to make them cost effective." here
Back to the expensiveness of the drug, at the beginning, the drug was around $10,000 per patient a year, but since it became a bit more expensive, $25,000 up to $60,000 or more! How are people with low money pay for it when their child is in need of medicine?here
2) "The government plans to make interferon beta and glatiramer available to patients with multiple sclerosis through a risk sharing scheme, despite lack of evidence of cost effectiveness. Sudlow and colleagues argue that the money would be better spent on independent research"
From this, it seems like the government is trying to take the easy way out so they can use the money on "more important research" but the way they want to do it sounds
3) The drug, Interferon-beta is rather expensive. There was an incident where a person paid the money for the drug, yet instead it didn't do any effect, meaning that the drug failed. The company was requirement to reduce the price, yet they never did."the drug companies would have had to pay the NHS to use them to make them cost effective." here
Back to the expensiveness of the drug, at the beginning, the drug was around $10,000 per patient a year, but since it became a bit more expensive, $25,000 up to $60,000 or more! How are people with low money pay for it when their child is in need of medicine?here
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Blog #12

The work place I'm looking towards is with animals, rather if it's domestic animals, exotic animals, or mixed animals. It doesn't matter to me if I'm just walking the dogs, or feeding the cats, or changing the guinea pigs cage. I just want to work with animals. I want to be a veterinarian so I hope I can do some jobs like preparing and giving shots to the animals, get their temperatures. I know that I should start out slow with the easy like jobs before jumping into the more difficult ones, that's why I listed some of the easy jobs. I just want to work with animals.

I'm hoping to learn how to help animals out not just physically. I want to hear about the animal's story, what they been through that brought them there. More importantly, I want to learn about the different types of medicine they use on the animals. How much the should give them, what will be know as a daily shot for animals and what is know to be a more critical shot for them cause something is wrong. I want to know the type of strategy and techniques they use to help an animal feel comfortable about being away from the home they came from or the street the we're traveling. I want to learn the best way to help an animal, rather if it's mentally, physically, or emotionally.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Blog# 11
I read about the article of the judge imposing a ban on the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military. I personally don't see how having gays in the military is a problem. It's not like they're planning an attack on the military they're in or it's not like they are hitting on every guy/girl that's in their military. They're human people! They should be allowed to be open and not hide who they truly are inside because of some policy. I choose to do this article because I say that gays should have every right as any straight person and also because I have a family member who's in the Navy. I agree that this policy should be banned because who are they to say that gays aren't allowed to be opened? link this is the same thing but is a little more in depth on when they were planning on enforcing the ban. As it says that they are planning on doing the banned after the National Coming Out Day. I hope that this ban get's applied so that gays can finally be free and open without having to worry about being fired.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Blog #10
To me, I felt that Michael was like a fuse to a unknown bomb and was his death accrue, the "bomb" exploded. Causing a huge problem with different race. Since a black guy killed a white guy, both race saw the race saw the killing in different prospectives. The boy how shot Michael, Freddie Morrow was already having a bad day to being with, I bet that Freddie would have shot anyone but seeing that flag was just enough to sent Freddie to the boiling point. "Just before Christmas, Freddie got into a fight after being taunted during a school assembly. Freddie was suspended, then told by school officials that he'd missed so much class time that he'd flunk for the second year running. It was during this suspension that he shot Michael Westerman." That line tells me that he was already fired up, and since he always takes his gun out on M.L.K's birthday, all he needed was an accuse to use it, which was Michael's flag. Michael happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. No one in this story would ever know why Michael had the flag because everyone has different reasons to why he had the flag up in the first place. "Michael died because of his "beliefs and his constitutional rights'" Michael's father, David said, but his girlfriend/wife Hannah said "He'd do anything to make his truck look sharp. The truck's red. The flag's red. They match." And lastly Brenda Arms said "Michael's personal reason for flying the Confederate flag was to show the pride he felt in his ancestors who fought and died for the flag, as well as to show his Southern heritage." Everyone who is agaisnt Freddie is trying to make up a reason for the flag on the truck, but most don't want to believe that the shooting was more of a random attack. Both sides actually don't know why they're fighting, they're just trying to make up a reason, using the Confederate flag as the base.
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