Dear Bobby,
You know how I do enjoy reading the letters you send me. It brings me so many emotions thought, happiness, sadness, loneliness. No need to worry about me, the neighbors do at times taunt me about how you're not coming home, but I just simply brush them away. Nice to hear that you made some friends over there, you were so anti social back here, haha.
On a serious note, those men need to grow up and put you as one of the airmen. They should know better that they're fighting against others, not each other. About the training, that's great to hear! You're a hard worker and I know you'll finish with no disappointing looks on you. Try your best and never give up, no matter what the men say. You're fighting for the country, not for there respect.
How right you are, about slavery. But give it time, and it should blow over. Though I still have a feeling that racism will stick around for a loong time, but not be as bad as it is today.
You know I don't like it when you talk about "not coming home" worries me as well, especially when I hear it from you. War is a dangerous game, but I know you can pull it through, people will see you as a hero, even if they don't say it or make you feel like one. You don't need an award or a hand shake from the president to win me over. You already have me and you'll always be a hero in my eyes no matter what. I'll see you when you come home. WHEN you come. I love you too, and always will.
Malia's Blog: here
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Blog# 10.2
I really don't think WWII has effected my family. At least as far as I know. My grandma is the oldest person in my house and she barely remembers her childhood. I know she must have been in the TGD being born in the 30's but she can't remember if he family went through any difficulties.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Blog# 9.2
The cartoon was made in 1942 by Walt Disney. The point of this cartoon was to get kids excited to join the army. At the beginning of the cartoon, Donald is convinced to join the army by the posters and images he spots that are near the building. The images that catches his eyes are the one with the females that are all over the guys in the army. He feels that he can be the guy with all the girls so he decides to join the army.
This cartoon wants young boys and men to join the army. At the beginning, Donald sees posters of girls, hoping he'll be able to get with them if he was in the army. The cartoon wants young men to think the same way "Army=tons of chicks"

Unsure of who made this and when but this propaganda was more directed to the Christians because of the bible. Americans what's to branch out and try to get more people angry and more to join the war, so they decided to use more direct "attacks". This showing a Nazi stabbing a bible could rage a Christian, who would want to fight for what he believed in.
I didn't think that America would use more direct attack to get more to join and get more to see who's actually the "enemy" is in the war.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Blog #2.8
1. What stands out to you most in this interview?
What stood out to me was how before the interview, the interviewer wrote about 4 paragraphs of the past interviews that KV has gotten and has taken some of what KV has said in the past and put it in the intro of the interview. Reduce.Reuse.Recycle
2. What experiences led Vonnegut to write Slaughterhouse Five?
The interviewer asked KV a question about how he felt about firebombing of Dresden. KV responded with he made a book about it.
3. Prior to reading Slaughterhouse Five, what would you like to ask KV?
Maybe how many redos did it take him till he finally decided that SH5 was complete. I know in one part of the book, he mentioned he was unsure is SH5 would be complete because he keeps rejecting most of the ideas he obtains.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Blog # 2.7
Starting with my grandma, since she was born in the 30's that's when the Great Depression was around, making jobs very impossible to obtain. It's still hard to get a job nowadays, but not as bad as it was in the 30's. Then again, I'm not so sure. From my view, it looks like today isn't as bad as the past, but what about the ones who are homeless? I know that they have a different say about how today would be related to the 30's.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Blog# 6.2
"My experience at the teacher's lounge. I want to talk about how some of the teachers were negative and bitter about their jobs"-Livy
I think that this would be a good thing to write about. It will include a lot of dialogue and possibly her thought about what the teachers are saying? Of course to be safe than sorry not to mention any names perhaps? Anyways, I'll be interested in reading the 'conversations' these teachers have been having .
"A guide to help workers/interns manage time and tips to remain on task. information of how to keep a calender set up the right way."-Shoshannah
Something new, I don't think I seen something like that. I like the idea about help out interns. Since this book might be traveling around the world or to other HTH village that might decided that they want to do internship as well. Or even the 10th grades that might be worried when the time comes, they'll be able to read on her article on want they should do to make a good impression on their mentors.
"-Bicycles and Biplanes
My interview, focusing on my mentor's journey to success supplemented with factual evidence based on the size of design companies, and college experience compared to business success."-Adam
This sounds good as well. Instead of him writing about his experience at the place, he's going to write about his mentor's experience was like. His/her's past, journey, success, and failure There could be possible questions and dialogue include and even what Adam thought of his mentor's past at first glance. This story can possibly give struggling people hope that they would soon be able to be successful as long as they try.
I think that this would be a good thing to write about. It will include a lot of dialogue and possibly her thought about what the teachers are saying? Of course to be safe than sorry not to mention any names perhaps? Anyways, I'll be interested in reading the 'conversations' these teachers have been having .
"A guide to help workers/interns manage time and tips to remain on task. information of how to keep a calender set up the right way."-Shoshannah
Something new, I don't think I seen something like that. I like the idea about help out interns. Since this book might be traveling around the world or to other HTH village that might decided that they want to do internship as well. Or even the 10th grades that might be worried when the time comes, they'll be able to read on her article on want they should do to make a good impression on their mentors.
"-Bicycles and Biplanes
My interview, focusing on my mentor's journey to success supplemented with factual evidence based on the size of design companies, and college experience compared to business success."-Adam
This sounds good as well. Instead of him writing about his experience at the place, he's going to write about his mentor's experience was like. His/her's past, journey, success, and failure There could be possible questions and dialogue include and even what Adam thought of his mentor's past at first glance. This story can possibly give struggling people hope that they would soon be able to be successful as long as they try.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Blog # 5.2
1) I'm thinking about doing one on a cat's/dog's POV. As how they feel once they come into the hospital. Scared, worried, whatever.
2) Maybe focus on one of the tools only. Shots, cytology dye, tubes. I'm looking for one of the tool and as I'm looking for it, I'm explaining why it's needed.
3) Focus on one of the rooms. Surgery, x-ray, back cages. Like what I explained on my second idea, except with rooms
2) Maybe focus on one of the tools only. Shots, cytology dye, tubes. I'm looking for one of the tool and as I'm looking for it, I'm explaining why it's needed.
3) Focus on one of the rooms. Surgery, x-ray, back cages. Like what I explained on my second idea, except with rooms
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Blog # 4.2
Article one
I like this article because the article is something that most dog owners wonder and want to find answers. This article provides the answers along with the evidence as well as more questions relating to the topic. My article might contains some questions that people might wonder but I might not have the answer or evidence. I just like how this have a lot of info and it's about something that most can relate to because that might being dealing with the problem that the article is solving.
Article Two
I choose this article again because it voices both onions about the issue. Farmers want to make salmon grow faster so they can be eaten quicker. Some think it's a good idea while others feels that it's not. It might take some work for me to do something that voices both onions because I have to find a topic that some agree about while others disagree. Then I'll have to interview a few about why they think so. I might not do it in that style, but it's a good idea to go off of.
Article Three
I like this article because the article is something that most dog owners wonder and want to find answers. This article provides the answers along with the evidence as well as more questions relating to the topic. My article might contains some questions that people might wonder but I might not have the answer or evidence. I just like how this have a lot of info and it's about something that most can relate to because that might being dealing with the problem that the article is solving.
Article Two
I choose this article again because it voices both onions about the issue. Farmers want to make salmon grow faster so they can be eaten quicker. Some think it's a good idea while others feels that it's not. It might take some work for me to do something that voices both onions because I have to find a topic that some agree about while others disagree. Then I'll have to interview a few about why they think so. I might not do it in that style, but it's a good idea to go off of.
Article Three
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Blog # 2.2
Article This was interesting to read in the past. It was about how some farmers needs the FDA approval to raise genetically modified fish. I liked reading about it because it was weird thinking about how far our food source has gone. To farming fishes? They're trying to go as far as farming sea creatures? I wonder what's so bad about just fishing for them, or buying them at the store? Then again, who knows where those type of fish comes from. In the article, it says that some people think that it's not that bad of an idea. Quicker fish, and it's just like frozen vegetables, right? Some people don't think that's a good idea. Feels like it taste fake and that it might kill the wildlife. Here's my older blog where I explained more about the article. Here
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Blog #1.2
I believe that internship was mostly about giving us a good example/idea about how the real world life was like. And how long/much it takes to get into it. Like phone calls, emails, site visits. It also helps out the ones who weren't that well with communication with others and/or adults. It was to see what we has 11th graders can do when we end up being on our own, with no one you know to help you. This was a good experience because now most people know what they want to do or what they don't want to do anymore. Or at these gives them a good idea about what they should check out. As for me, this made me what to become a vet even more. Seeing the behind scenes was excited because I got to see what I was going to have to deal with when I get into the vet industry.
My plans about this semester is to keep up with the good grades. Good grades=collage so I'm going to try my best at what I do. That's all I can really think about when it comes to plans. Maybe more plans would come to mind more in the future.
My plans about this semester is to keep up with the good grades. Good grades=collage so I'm going to try my best at what I do. That's all I can really think about when it comes to plans. Maybe more plans would come to mind more in the future.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Internship #4
3. How might you continue your internship experiences beyond the scope of the HTHMA internship? What ideas, skills, connections and so on will you bring back to the rest of your life? Will you continue working with your internship beyond January of 2011?
In fact, yes I will. I asked my mentor and she said that they'll like to have me back to work during the summer. This will be good to do because I need some vet hours if I want to get into UC Davis. My mentor said that volunteering at this age would be great on my resume, which is a good thing for me. Since this will be my first volunteering at a vet place, I'm glad that it'll be that place. Since I know the people and they like my work, therefor be nothing to worry about.
In fact, yes I will. I asked my mentor and she said that they'll like to have me back to work during the summer. This will be good to do because I need some vet hours if I want to get into UC Davis. My mentor said that volunteering at this age would be great on my resume, which is a good thing for me. Since this will be my first volunteering at a vet place, I'm glad that it'll be that place. Since I know the people and they like my work, therefor be nothing to worry about.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Internship #3
1. Choose your favorite photos from your photo essay—post these highlight photo and a caption explaining what we see and what makes this significant to you.
These two are my favorite photos I took. I like the angle I took it. In the first one, it's a x-ray sign, warning others that x-rays are happening in the room so don't go in. Of course this is important to be put up when the x-rays are going on so that someone doesn't accidentally walks in and get some radiation for the ray. Better safe than sorry. The second picture is a bunch of instruments used in surgery. Most of these sterile (not sterile now) are used on one pet. Some get used, some don't. Depends on what the doctor needs.
3. You are half-way through your project. How is it going? What challenges have you faced? What have you learned? What are you doing to ensure a successful completion of your internship project.
My project is going good, still working on it though. I haven't faced any challenges yet but I am worried about the conversion part (making it a quick time and such) I might get some help with that so I'm not worried that much. I learned a lot from my internship, which is how I'm doing my project. It requires me to know some things about my internship.
My project is going good, still working on it though. I haven't faced any challenges yet but I am worried about the conversion part (making it a quick time and such) I might get some help with that so I'm not worried that much. I learned a lot from my internship, which is how I'm doing my project. It requires me to know some things about my internship.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Internship #2
7. What are you most surprised by during your first week of internship and why?
I was surprised by how much I was able to learn a see. The surgeries, the busy days, the sick pets. I was also surprised by how many questions I asked were answered too. I still might have more question, but just not any I can think of and I know that they'll be able to answer it. I was also surprised by how I was able to start helping around the place, rather if it was holding down a pet, help with the laundry, sweep up a bit, check the slides, etc.
3. Describe the project you'll do at internship, including the skills and technology you need to do it and what you hope your project looks like as a final product.
At first, I was having trouble with thinking about what I should do as a project since I was interning at a vet, I know I couldn't do anything extreme. Then I got some ideas from some students and that got me thinking, but I didn't think the idea I had in mind would work. Finally, I though of something, at that was making a small easy informational flash video about how the tools and such work in the vet, starring Chester the mascot cat. It's not going to be epic, but it's going to be something, to show that I have learned during the whole month. I have Adobe Flash and some help from my brother, I think it's going to turn out okay
*picture will be put up soon, need to find the cable*
I was surprised by how much I was able to learn a see. The surgeries, the busy days, the sick pets. I was also surprised by how many questions I asked were answered too. I still might have more question, but just not any I can think of and I know that they'll be able to answer it. I was also surprised by how I was able to start helping around the place, rather if it was holding down a pet, help with the laundry, sweep up a bit, check the slides, etc.
3. Describe the project you'll do at internship, including the skills and technology you need to do it and what you hope your project looks like as a final product.
At first, I was having trouble with thinking about what I should do as a project since I was interning at a vet, I know I couldn't do anything extreme. Then I got some ideas from some students and that got me thinking, but I didn't think the idea I had in mind would work. Finally, I though of something, at that was making a small easy informational flash video about how the tools and such work in the vet, starring Chester the mascot cat. It's not going to be epic, but it's going to be something, to show that I have learned during the whole month. I have Adobe Flash and some help from my brother, I think it's going to turn out okay
*picture will be put up soon, need to find the cable*
Friday, January 7, 2011
Internship #1
1. What are you excited about, nervous about and wondering about?
I was excited about being able to learn about the different types of medication that is used on the animals and what's the problem with them and how they are being treated. I'm also excited about seeing the behind the scenes of when owners gives their pets to the vet, what goes on behind the doors. I was excited about being there to see surgeries go on, it was very interesting to watch and I didn't realized how long it actually took for certain problems. I was nervous about thinking that I wouldn't have anything to do and I'll just being taking up space (cause it was a small room) but I actually was able to help out when most hands were full or others were busy. When I see a simple task that needs to be done, I do it instead of waiting to be told to help out. Mostly the things I wondered about were answered this short week, I got to ask question about why they did it this way or why they're doing this at all. I was happy that they had time to answer my questions.
6. Describe the company culture at your internship, including how people interact, communicate and work together.
It's very fun like in the room. Even though it's sometimes busy, everyone acts like a big family. They like to make jokes and what they did at home and such. It can be crazy in there (in a good way of course) and that's what I like to see. That's also what I hope I can do when I start to work is feel like a family with my co-workers instead of having people who just want to get the work do and that's it. Everyone helps out each other when they can and fill in for those who are sick. Everyday I hear laughter in the room and that's a good sign to me.
I was excited about being able to learn about the different types of medication that is used on the animals and what's the problem with them and how they are being treated. I'm also excited about seeing the behind the scenes of when owners gives their pets to the vet, what goes on behind the doors. I was excited about being there to see surgeries go on, it was very interesting to watch and I didn't realized how long it actually took for certain problems. I was nervous about thinking that I wouldn't have anything to do and I'll just being taking up space (cause it was a small room) but I actually was able to help out when most hands were full or others were busy. When I see a simple task that needs to be done, I do it instead of waiting to be told to help out. Mostly the things I wondered about were answered this short week, I got to ask question about why they did it this way or why they're doing this at all. I was happy that they had time to answer my questions.
6. Describe the company culture at your internship, including how people interact, communicate and work together.
It's very fun like in the room. Even though it's sometimes busy, everyone acts like a big family. They like to make jokes and what they did at home and such. It can be crazy in there (in a good way of course) and that's what I like to see. That's also what I hope I can do when I start to work is feel like a family with my co-workers instead of having people who just want to get the work do and that's it. Everyone helps out each other when they can and fill in for those who are sick. Everyday I hear laughter in the room and that's a good sign to me.
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